Sharing My Vagina With the World!

I have a fascination with pregnancy and pregnant women that borders on obsession. I have always wanted to know all of the nitty gritty details, good and bad. What does it feel like to be pregnant and have a baby kick you from the inside? How badly does a hemorrhoid hurt? What happens to your vagina after it is basically obliterated by a gigantic baby head?

I feel that there aren’t a lot of bloggers out there willing to discuss pregnancy in the minute – sometimes disgusting – detail I so desperately crave. So, now that I am going through the whole process myself for the first time, I wanted to share my experience with… well, maybe not the world, but definitely other women who, like me, want to know what it’s like to create a life – warts and all.

If you have any questions (no matter how gross) about my pregnancy, please feel free to comment below. I’ll do my best to answer everyone.

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